Yup, been there. Book1 crashed early, so no interest in Book2. But mysteriously, Book1 rebounded (probably thanks to an essay in Christianity Today, and some podcasts that went viral) and four years later the offer for Book2 came. My agent (aren't they fantastic?) then switched me to a new publisher, who apparently didn't care that much that Book2 also crashed (with not much chance of recovery, I fear) and gave me a contract for Book3. "Beyond Evolution", which you were so kind to write an endorsement for, comes out this summer. But I do have one big advantage over you, Jim. No, I am not a better writer, not even close. I AM RETIRED. Will be praying for your new baby.

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I'll try to work you into the book somewhere!

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Congrats Jim,

Has it really been that long since your book came out? I regret that I had not got around to getting it yet. Two kids five and under has really slowed me down! I just got The Sacred Chain today. Thanks for the push. I look forward to it.

Long time reader, first time commenting. Thanks for your work (loved the COP 29 blogs) and for the podcast that helped remind me that the movement from whence I came can bear good fruit and not just crazy fruit. I found you in an early Covid lockdown podcast with John Walton and have followed Language of God ever since.

I have been blessed by your work intellectually and spiritually, but even my own mental health has been affected positively by you and Biologos just by the simple fact that there are Christians who share the same reality. It's sometimes difficult to be in community when I often feel as if I live in a parallel reality. (Indeed, my family found it necessary to leave our faith community in 2020) Knowing that there are other Christians out there who don't see everything through culture war glasses (that can blind the wearer from seeing what is right in front of them) encouraged me to not give up on seeking community. (Which we did find!)


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Congrats! Very happy for you. And eager to see what comes of it.

Appreciated that discourse on the publishing world, as well.

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Great work Jim. It’s helpful to me, though sobering, to hear the details of the sales aspect with Harper One and with your other books.

I’ve been working on my SFF duology for four years, twenty hours/week on good weeks—but always keeping my day job.

I hope we leave a legacy through the quality of our work.


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Good for you!

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Congratulations. That’s super cool. Praying God’s anointing for this whole process. Looking forward to the book (and in the meantime, I should get to reading the first one)

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