I do believe you had a theme: negotiation, preserving rights for the minority party. (Ultimately, the biggest players had to submit to the desire of the very smallest to make anything happen at all.)

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Yes, that was a last minute realization with our young podcast guest. So good to hear from you Troy! I'm curious how you found your way here.

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Hi, Jim—

I post on my website, TroyAndrewThompson.com and I’ve put one thing on Substack. Maybe that’s how I found you.

Or I may have just been looking you up since I’m planning to “race” a 10K in Niles, MI, on 11-28-24. I’m hoping for 53 or 54 minutes. My artificial toe joint has not sped me up—but at least I can walk and run again.

Glad to hear you have some grandsons. I have two grandkids—Hosanna (5) and Jubal (3). When Jubal was born, his big sister couldn’t pronounce his name. She flipped the consonants around and called him Bbboojesh. My second fantasy novel—if it’s ever published—is dedicated to the grandkids. The Bbboojesh is a giant turtle in my series, with the size, speed, and power of an Abrams tank. She’s also the fulfillment of prophecy. If my books endure, so will the Bbboojesh! 🐢

I love your posts from Baku. Great work, keeping hope when reasons for optimism are low. Your dad always seemed like a joyful man to me, and you were always cheerful, too.

I’ll be posting three essays on burnout soon. The first will mention the kryptonite that put me there (again). The second will instruct the dauntless adventurer on how to get to the Land of Burnout. The third will be written when I emerge fully from the Canyon, hopefully by New Year’s Day, with insights on the view from the top after living so long in the hot, foul vapors below.

I’m hoping.

I’m hoping our efforts and hardships make a difference.

I’m hoping and striving to give a good account on that final day.


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