So in the end how did you go about learning evolution? Do you have any recommendations? Is there some textbook that caters to home-schooling parents who themselves were home-schooled in a way that just kind of skipped evolution? Maybe Biologos' science curriculum? Or do you have some other recommendations?

I'm also super interested in reading your book!

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You might start with these shorter articles on the BioLogos website: https://biologos.org/common-questions#scientific-evidence (especially "What is the evidence for evolution?")

For me personally, it was learning about genetics that showed so obviously that we share common ancestry with other life. The book "Relics of Eden" by Daniel Fairbanks was the one I went through very carefully back in the day. Denis Alexander's "Creation or Evolution: Do We Have to Choose?" has great evidence from lots of scientific angles (as well as from his Christian beliefs). For a really deep dive, google BioLogos Dennis Venema Evolution Basics. He wrote a lengthy series for us primarily about genetics.

If you prefer short animated videos, we made this series 7 or 8 years ago: https://biologos.org/biologos-basics-videos

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Super interesting! I’m following; very interested in the forthcoming book!

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